Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Behind the Scenes of the Supreme Court

As addressed in this video, “the Supreme Court of the US remains the most powerful judicial body on the earth” (Stephens, 0:56-0:59). Supreme Court Justices are appointed by the elected President at the time and will continue in the Court even when the President finishes their term. “They deliberate and reach their decisions in private”(Stephens, 1:02), “but their power rests on public faith” (Stephens, 1:17). There are hundreds of Supreme Court Justices that uphold and decipher the 200-year-old Constitution. Even though the Constitution has never changed in the past 200 years, people are treated more equally now than in the past. A Supreme Court Justice stated that no matter who or where someone petitions, everyone gets the same individual consideration. Every Supreme Court Justice shakes hands when they meet before presenting their thoughts on a case because they are “less likely to hold a grudge” (Stephens, 12:20), which I found very interesting. 

"We the People" provide the government with powers. Without the people, the United States Constitution would not have been able to become the standards we must uphold.

Controversy is inevitable in the Supreme Court. The biggest controversies in history have been the Marbury v. Madison Case and the Dred Scott Case. In the Marbury v. Madison Case, it gave the Supreme Court judicial rule to review all actions of the government and deem them constitutional or not. For the Dred Scott Case, the judicial branch ruled that no African American, such as Dred Scott, is a US citizen, which sparked the Civil War. When the Supreme Court speaks, the public obeys. A quote from the video that I found very important when it comes to the law is that “if the Court disobeys or people stop listening, then one of the treasures that make this the freest nation in the world will cease to exist’ (Stephens, 8:47-8:57) and ‘the power of the Court is the power of trust earned—the trust of the American people” (Stephens, 9:48-9:53). With that being said, the Supreme Court continues to function because of the publics involvement in politics.

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